Neurodivergent Learners at Your School: Targeted Training Program

Did you know? 

Neurodivergent learners make up 47% of our population. That’s right. By definition, neurodivergent learners simply learn differently. Neurodivergence includes twice-exceptional, gifted, autistic, highly creative, holistic learners, and more. These students are easier to educate once their neurodivergent needs are understood. This training will allow your teachers the freedom to follow their natural way of teaching so that they are able to connect with and more accurately educate their neurodivergent students.

Currivan Protocol™ Training For Your School 

How is this done? Through understanding the Currivan Protocol™ Assessment tool and guiding teachers, using teachers’ own unique gifts to form a unique learning technique.

The Currivan Protocol™ is a comprehensive assessment and treatment plan that identifies the various elements of neurodivergence in a precise manner that is designed for parents, teachers and students to understand the specific traits of neurodivergence.

Teresa teaches in a manner that incorporates a teacher’s own knowledge of what they see in their students’ strengths and challenges and uses each teacher’s preferences, instincts, and knowledge to guide them to their own unique educational techniques.

Teresa has seen schools she has helped to be better able to serve students who would otherwise refuse and/or fail in school thrive. This is without lowering school standards, in fact, accomplishments and goals met usually exceed typical educational expectations. Teachers often feel proud and it goes without saying, the students do too. The results are often beyond anyone’s expectations – teachers, students, and parents alike.

The Right Place Learning Extension™

The Right Place Learning Extension might be a good fit for your school. It is an extensive training program that includes the Currivan Protocol™ teacher training, individual consultations, parent support, and integrative follow-ups so that your school can serve this unique population as an add-on service. This unique method allows your school to serve your neurodivergent learners. This will allow your school to: 

  • Increase student retention 
  • Attract an additional population of families to your school  
  • Increase student satisfaction
  • Broaden teacher skill sets, satisfaction, and retention
  • Boast diverse and successful student outcomes
  • Maintain parent support and buy-in of student needs over time

For information on either the Currivan Protocol™ Training for Schools or The Right Place Learning Extension for your school, fill out the contact form, below. 

© Teresa Currivan 2023